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Weverling Groenproviders gecertificeerd op Trede 3 op het PSO-keurmerk

Weverling Groenproviders gecertificeerd op Trede 3 op het PSO-keurmerk
Onlangs heeft Weverling Groenproviders Trede 3 bereikt op de Prestatieladder Socialer Ondernemen (PSO) en daar zijn wij trots op! De PSO is het wetenschappelijk onderbouwde meetinstrument én keurmerk van TNO dat de mate van sociaal ondernemen objectief meet en zichtbaar maakt. Uit de onafhankelijke...
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UNEP published a guide for organisational Life Cycle Assestment
Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been promoted as a robust quantitative tool, and a keystone in environmental decision making. While LCA was originally developed for products, the benefits of the life cycle approach may be extended to the more complex prospect of organisational assessment. Within...
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New research shows clear gap between companies' awareness of climate risks and actions for tackling them
A new report released today by CDP and CDSB shows that there is a gap between the way companies identify climate-related risks and opportunities and how they are preparing to tackle them. The research into 1,681 companies across 14 countries and 11 sectors disclosing to CDP looks at the four areas...
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