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Arcadis presents strategy update capitalizing on global trends and sustainability

Arcadis presents strategy update capitalizing on global trends and sustainability
Arcadis today presents its strategy 'Creating a Sustainable Future' in which it fully capitalizes on global trends like climate change, sustainable industries and expanding cities. Arcadis makes clear choices and will focus where it can lead and invest where it can win. The company is well positioned to realize revenue growth and operating margin improvements […]
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Technologische oplossingen slim combineren om de SDG's versneld te realiseren
Drie dagen lang hebben wetenschappers, ondernemers en beleidsmakers uit de hele wereld zich in Brussel gebogen over innovatieve technologische oplossingen om de 17 duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG's) te behalen.   Onderzoeksinstelling VITO wil met de allereerste editie van G-STIC (Global Science, Technology and Innovation Conference) de juiste marktklare, innovatieve, technologische...
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