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One Planet Approaches: New guidance to help organizations operate within planetary boundaries

One Planet Approaches: New guidance to help organizations operate within planetary boundaries
We have begun to cross the safe boundaries within which the world operates. These boundaries include climate change, biodiversity, and land-system change. Protecting these boundaries is essential for organizational success in the short term and our survival as a species in the long term. Now Metabolic has produced a landmark report outlining what is needed […]
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Jan Peter Balkenende en Hans de Boer in gesprek over duurzaamheid en innovatie
De Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition wil duurzame businessmodellen ontwikkelen en implementeren. Voorzitter Jan Peter Balkenende en VNO-NCW-voorman Hans de Boer inventariseren welke kansen het duurzaamheidsstreven brengt. 'Dit is niet het idealisme van mensen met geitenwollen sokken.' De acht grote Nederlandse multinationals die in 2012 de Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) oprichtten,...
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