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Over 150 industry leaders and organizations call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonization of int...

Over 150 industry leaders and organizations call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonization of international shipping by 2050
Full decarbonization of international shipping is urgent and achievable. This is the clear message from more than 150 industry leaders and organizations representing the entire maritime value chain, including shipping, cargo, energy, finance, ports, and infrastructure. In conjunction with the UN General Assembly and ahead of critical climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow this November,...
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Schoeller Allibert introduceert palletbox uit gerecyclede visnetten
Na ruim 2,5 jaar onderzoek is Schoeller Allibert, Europees marktleider in plastic retourverpakkingen voor logistiek, erin geslaagd een nieuwe, hoogwaardig plastic big box te produceren uit gerecyclede visnetten. Met dit resultaat van upcycling zet de onderneming haar vernieuwde, ambitieuze duurzaamheidsstrategie kracht bij. Onder het motto 'Making plastic packaging too good to waste' werkt de...
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